Registered sex offender Phillip Garrido, 58, and his 54-year-old wife Nancy were arrested in a kidnapping case that spans almost two decades. On June 10, 1991, Jaycee Lee Dugard was abducted on the way to her bus stop while her stepfather watched. On Aug. 27, Dugard walked into a San Francisco Bay area police station and told detectives who she was. The story of what has happened since the day she was kidnapped 18 years ago is still unraveling.
The case was featured on America's Most Wanted.
Garrido has admitted to fathering two girls, 11 and 15, with Dugard, who spent the last 18 years hidden in a collection of shacks in Garrido's backyard. Dugard has expressed guilt over bonding with the registered sex offender, while Garrido, during a jailhouse phone interview, has said he has "completely turned my life around" in the past several years:
"You're going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, from the victim," he said. "If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backward and in the end you're going to find the most powerful, heartwarming story."
How the story of a man who kidnapped an 11-year-old girl, kept her hostage for 18 years, raped her and forced her to give birth to two of his children at home, and never allowed any of them to see a doctor, will be considered "heartwarming" is anyone's guess.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Once a Molester, Always a Molester?
The Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) was created in 1997 "enhance public safety by preventing further victimization through improving the management of adult and juvenile sex offenders who are in the community." It has received funding via the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs and offers training to those who are responsible for sex offender management, including probation and parole officers.
Included on the group's Web site is research performed on sex offenders, including a 1997 study by Prentky, Lee, Knight, and Cerce which found that:
"...over a 25-year period, child molesters had higher rates of reoffense than rapists. In this study, recidivism was operationalized as a failure rate and calculated as the proportion of individuals who were rearrested using survival analysis (which takes into account the amount of time each offender has been at risk in the community). Results show that over longer periods of time, child molesters have a higher failure rate—thus, a higher rate of rearrest—than rapists (52 percent versus 39 percent over 25 years)."
Below is a chart from that study:
Included on the group's Web site is research performed on sex offenders, including a 1997 study by Prentky, Lee, Knight, and Cerce which found that:
"...over a 25-year period, child molesters had higher rates of reoffense than rapists. In this study, recidivism was operationalized as a failure rate and calculated as the proportion of individuals who were rearrested using survival analysis (which takes into account the amount of time each offender has been at risk in the community). Results show that over longer periods of time, child molesters have a higher failure rate—thus, a higher rate of rearrest—than rapists (52 percent versus 39 percent over 25 years)."
Below is a chart from that study:

sex offender,
sexual predator
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Tough Lesson Yet to be Learned by Many Motorists
Tragedy occurred this past week when a Raleigh, N.C., girl was struck and killed by a passing motorist after disembarking the school bus. Ashley Ramos-Ramirez was only 6-years old and a first grader. While technically not the new school year’s first fatality because Ashley attended a year-round elementary school, her senseless death at the hands of an 83-year old woman who said she didn’t see the school bus stop arm or flashing red lights calls attention to school bus safety, said Ashley’s principal.
The news article points to information on the School Transportation News Web site on the inherent safety of school buses, citing fatality data that shows more children are killed in the so-called "danger zone," the 10-foot perimeter around school buses as they are stopped to load or unload students.
“This is definitely something we can learn from to make sure...everyone understands school bus safety rules,” Green Elementary Principal Shelly Watson said.Doubly unfortunate for Ashley’s family is that the driver is only facing misdemeanor charges because a new North Carolina law pass this summer that requires an automatic felony charges for anyone charged with killing a student while illegally passing a stopped school bus does not go into effect until Dec. 1.
The news article points to information on the School Transportation News Web site on the inherent safety of school buses, citing fatality data that shows more children are killed in the so-called "danger zone," the 10-foot perimeter around school buses as they are stopped to load or unload students.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Police Officers Forget to Turn on GPS Bracelet
After being released from prison and fitted with his mandated GPS ankle bracelet, Salvador Medina went on a violent crime spree that included the abduction and sexual assault of three sisters, ages 15, 15 and 11, and threatening a woman with a knife while her 3-year-old child looked on. But, the GPS bracelet he was wearing had one problem: it was never turned on. Arizona DOC Director Charles Ryan apologized by saying:
“I would probably say to the victims I'm sorry that you have been victimized by this individual.”
Although he went on to say that he will hold the individuals responsible for the mistake accountable, how will that help the three sisters who went through something so horrible that it will change everything about the way they live, who they trust and a future that has now been changed forever.
“I would probably say to the victims I'm sorry that you have been victimized by this individual.”
Although he went on to say that he will hold the individuals responsible for the mistake accountable, how will that help the three sisters who went through something so horrible that it will change everything about the way they live, who they trust and a future that has now been changed forever.
sex offender,
sexual predator,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
An Introduction to the Topic of Sexual Predators
After catching a presentation by Dr. Duane Dobbert at another conference a few years back, Bill Paul, the founder of School Transportation News, invited him to speak at the 2007 STN EXPO. Here is a video clip of Duane's keynote address at the conference.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Parents Concerned Over Bus Routes Changes
Families in Memphis, Tenn., are fuming over some recent changes to the school district's bus routes. In an effort to lower costs to the tune of $6 million, 200 bus routes were cut. The changes could lead to longer walks home for some students and new dangers along the way. One parent recently discovered 18 registered sex offenders living in his area. The parents are understandably upset.
“What happens to these children today is what’s going to affect them in the long run and it’s going to scar them for life,” said one parent.
In the city of Memphis, there are 1,679 registered sex offenders, which creates numerous opportunities for dangerous situations.
“What happens to these children today is what’s going to affect them in the long run and it’s going to scar them for life,” said one parent.
In the city of Memphis, there are 1,679 registered sex offenders, which creates numerous opportunities for dangerous situations.
bus routes,
school bus stop,
sex offender,
sexual predator
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Predators Beyond Our Borders
By Stephane Babcock
There is no one country that is free from the dangers and dehumanization caused by sexual predators. They prey on every age group in every community. They do not wear a badge to identify themselves (although some wear fake ones to gain the trust of innocent children) and there is no uniform that makes them stand out.
The United Nations estimates that 200,000 women and girls have been raped in the Democratic Republic of the Congo over the last 12 years, a disturbing fact that was highlighted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent visit to the African republic. One story that I came across was that of a nine-year girl who was gang-raped on her on her way to school by Congolese soldiers. Her story was retold by a photographer that visited the country last year. Another girl, 15, was abducted by soldiers while she was shopping, held captive in a hole for five months and gang-raped almost every day.
These are just two stories of the atrocities that exist everywhere. In 2005, Dateline NBC went undercover with a human rights group to expose child sex trafficking in Cambodia. I watched the news report with my wife when it originally aired and I can still remember the sickening feeling it left in my stomach. This is a local, state, federal and global issue that can no longer be ignored
There is no one country that is free from the dangers and dehumanization caused by sexual predators. They prey on every age group in every community. They do not wear a badge to identify themselves (although some wear fake ones to gain the trust of innocent children) and there is no uniform that makes them stand out.
The United Nations estimates that 200,000 women and girls have been raped in the Democratic Republic of the Congo over the last 12 years, a disturbing fact that was highlighted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent visit to the African republic. One story that I came across was that of a nine-year girl who was gang-raped on her on her way to school by Congolese soldiers. Her story was retold by a photographer that visited the country last year. Another girl, 15, was abducted by soldiers while she was shopping, held captive in a hole for five months and gang-raped almost every day.
These are just two stories of the atrocities that exist everywhere. In 2005, Dateline NBC went undercover with a human rights group to expose child sex trafficking in Cambodia. I watched the news report with my wife when it originally aired and I can still remember the sickening feeling it left in my stomach. This is a local, state, federal and global issue that can no longer be ignored
child prostitution,
sex offender,
sex trade,
sexual predator
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
You Need This Book

Although I consider Dr. Duane Dobbert a friend, this is not an advertisement for him; he doesn't need it. In 2004, Duane released Halting the Sexual Predators Among Us: Preventing Attack, Rape, and Lust Homicide. I am about halfway through it and I can only say one thing (that's not true, there's very little I can only say one thing about): Read this book! It will give you a clear, yet unsettling understanding of sexual predators, identify their precursor behaviors and help protect your community by being aware of their presence in it. As I said, I am no salesman. Consider this quick "review" of Duane's book a word of advice from one parent to the millions out there that want to keep their children even safer than they already do.
Dr. Duane Dobbert,
iPhone Makes It Easier
Unlike too many people to count, I do not own an iPhone. I am stuck with a wireless carrier that does not offer it. But, after reading an interesting article, I may have to change my ways. iPhone now offers a new application, Offender Locator, that "lets users locate and list nearby registered sex offenders using the phone's built-in Global Position System (GPS)." The application, jokingly named "iPerv" by more than one news outlet, gives you instant information about registered sex offenders in your immediate area. But, remember to constantly check your local and the national offender databases as well.
sex offender,
sexual predator
Another One Gets Away...
After being arrested for failing to register as a sex offender, John Gilbert Gray, 27, was found with the following items: a cell phone (which he was not allowed to possess since he had been know to use one to contact minors), a fully charged stun gun, a large knife, mace, duct tape, sex toys and female clothing. And, he was released after registering as a "transient sex offender" by the Thurston County, Washington, Sheriff's Office.
sex offender,
sexual predator,
Welcome to Another First Step
By Stephane Babcock
For over two years now, I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing a gentleman by the name of Dr. Duane Dobbert, a 40-year veteran of the criminal justice professional serving in clinical, corrections, administrative, training and consulting capacities. He has written three books, is a professor of both Florida Gulf Coast University and Capella University, and has spoken on the subject of sexual predators all around the country. My first conversation with Duane, as he often asks to be referred to as, was 45 minutes that changed how I saw the world around me. Now, I have never been naive, but the conversation left me with a sickening feeling in my stomach and a new knowledge that there are monsters all around us and we must be alert and ready to do what we can to protect our children from them.
I am a father of four wonderful children, which I must, of course, thank my wife for (Thanks Baby!). My wife and I have always told our children to stay together, watch out for strangers and to scream at the top of their lungs if anyone ever touched them. But, when we went to one of the many parks in our city, I would only keep an eye on my kids. I have learned, through Duane, to take a step back and watch who's watching my kids.
Look around the next time you are at a park, a children's sporting event or the food court of your local mall on a rainy day. Look for men that seem out of place, who are not a parent or grandparent, but are watching a group of children, or one specific child, intently. Now, I am not saying that every person that watches children in public is a pedophile that is preying on children, but there are definitely those out there that take advantage of large, ominous crowds to watch children and fantasize about what Duane describes as their "fantasy love child." I know, it sounds disgusting and vile, but this is how these predators think. There are specific age ranges that they are looking for when searching for their next victim, although they believe these children will love them and want to stay with them forever.
This blog is here to inform you. It is here to help you pull our nation's head out of the sand concerning sexual predators. As a father, this is something that I am passionate about. My children mean everything to me and I will do whatever I can to protect them. This blog will give the necessary tools to whoever has the same mission, whether it be a parent, a police officer, a social worker, a teacher, an attorney, a superintendent or a school bus driver. We are all soldiers in the same battle and we need to be armed with the knowledge and understanding to fight against these monsters.
For over two years now, I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing a gentleman by the name of Dr. Duane Dobbert, a 40-year veteran of the criminal justice professional serving in clinical, corrections, administrative, training and consulting capacities. He has written three books, is a professor of both Florida Gulf Coast University and Capella University, and has spoken on the subject of sexual predators all around the country. My first conversation with Duane, as he often asks to be referred to as, was 45 minutes that changed how I saw the world around me. Now, I have never been naive, but the conversation left me with a sickening feeling in my stomach and a new knowledge that there are monsters all around us and we must be alert and ready to do what we can to protect our children from them.
I am a father of four wonderful children, which I must, of course, thank my wife for (Thanks Baby!). My wife and I have always told our children to stay together, watch out for strangers and to scream at the top of their lungs if anyone ever touched them. But, when we went to one of the many parks in our city, I would only keep an eye on my kids. I have learned, through Duane, to take a step back and watch who's watching my kids.
Look around the next time you are at a park, a children's sporting event or the food court of your local mall on a rainy day. Look for men that seem out of place, who are not a parent or grandparent, but are watching a group of children, or one specific child, intently. Now, I am not saying that every person that watches children in public is a pedophile that is preying on children, but there are definitely those out there that take advantage of large, ominous crowds to watch children and fantasize about what Duane describes as their "fantasy love child." I know, it sounds disgusting and vile, but this is how these predators think. There are specific age ranges that they are looking for when searching for their next victim, although they believe these children will love them and want to stay with them forever.
This blog is here to inform you. It is here to help you pull our nation's head out of the sand concerning sexual predators. As a father, this is something that I am passionate about. My children mean everything to me and I will do whatever I can to protect them. This blog will give the necessary tools to whoever has the same mission, whether it be a parent, a police officer, a social worker, a teacher, an attorney, a superintendent or a school bus driver. We are all soldiers in the same battle and we need to be armed with the knowledge and understanding to fight against these monsters.
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