Included on the group's Web site is research performed on sex offenders, including a 1997 study by Prentky, Lee, Knight, and Cerce which found that:
"...over a 25-year period, child molesters had higher rates of reoffense than rapists. In this study, recidivism was operationalized as a failure rate and calculated as the proportion of individuals who were rearrested using survival analysis (which takes into account the amount of time each offender has been at risk in the community). Results show that over longer periods of time, child molesters have a higher failure rate—thus, a higher rate of rearrest—than rapists (52 percent versus 39 percent over 25 years)."
Below is a chart from that study:

I disagree with his findings. First, what do they look at when considering re-offense rates? It's simply not that cut and dry. If a sex-offender that supposed to stay away from schools and parks goes to watch his child in a school play or receive an award at the school, he re-offended. If a marked(not unlike a yellow star but close) ex-sex offender drives with an out of date driver license (a misdemeanor in Ca.) he is a re-offender. If while on vacation for 2 weeks he doesn't register with the local police, he is a re-offender.
ReplyDeleteLook who funds this organization. Do you really what to trust the department of justice? Remember our lovely gov't record? Honestly if you as a citizen think you have rights under the constitution just go to any search engine and punch in Japanese and 1942. Thousand of americans put away in dirt crap camps. Remember Waco, and the ATF murdering innocient women and children. It was said if there wasn't a Waco, there wouldn't have been an Oklahoma bombing. Sex-offender registration is not equal to the jewish experience in ww II, but it sure is kin to it! The rights taken away from the few is the beginning of more rights taken from the many! They did their time for their crime. leave them alone. The idea registering as a sex offender is not punitive is a joke. Any 4th grader can see that. Once a molester always a molester? After, jail time, probation, mandated therapy and registration. No, I think little Johnny's safe from ex-sex offenders. Now, just keep an eye on uncle bill. Most, sex-offenses are from non offenders. Truth!!
ReplyDelete"I think little Johnny's safe from ex-sex offenders." And what do you base that on? They're comparing recidivism rates of sex-offenders in this study, which means they commit new sex offenses. In china they executed sex offenders because they know that they are very rarely reformed. Here we need to take steps to protect our families from having them get out and keep reoffending.