Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another One Gets Away...

After being arrested for failing to register as a sex offender, John Gilbert Gray, 27, was found with the following items: a cell phone (which he was not allowed to possess since he had been know to use one to contact minors), a fully charged stun gun, a large knife, mace, duct tape, sex toys and female clothing. And, he was released after registering as a "transient sex offender" by the Thurston County, Washington, Sheriff's Office.


  1. Not much details here. One paragraph only? The guy did nothing but not register? Okay, so the guy had some protection for himself. Wouldn't anyone in his situation? The women clothes could be anything, sheesh a gift for his girlfriend. That goes for the sex toy too. I looked at his link. The young man made a couple of bad choices when he was 23 years old. What's the big deal?
    This is a good example of how much BS this BS is! Thank you for proving it!

  2. So the duct tape, stun gun, knife and mace are all for protection? Your ignorance is surprising. The couple of "bad choices" this offender made have rippling effects that go beyond youthful indiscretions.
